Friday, May 21, 2021

Timed Essay Question 6

Timed Essay Question 6

Discuss how the representation of gender, class or age would appeal to a target audience in one of the media products you have analyzed this year.

The representation of class would appeal to two different target audiences in the music videos Billie Jean (Michael Jackson) and C.R.E.A.M. (Wu-Tang Clan). Billie Jean is of the pop music genre so the target audience will be fans of pop music on the other hand, C.R.E.A.M. is of the hip-hop music genre so hip-hop fans will be their target audience. The class for the music video C.R.E.A.M. would be of a lower class, as the iconography of the music video is urban and gritty and the costumes in the music videos are just basic baggy clothing which look like hand-me-downs which relates to a lower-class audience as this could also be their way of sourcing their own clothes. The setting is also of a neighbor mainly focusing on the streets and apartment buildings this also relates to the lower-class audience as they way of income will be low so not many would be able to afford houses so apartments would be what they could only afford. On the other hand, the audience for the music video Billie Jean would be of a middle/higher class as Michael Jackson is wearing suit in the music video which is the type of clothing middle/higher class would wear especially the higher class. Also, in the music video, Michael Jackson throws a penny in a homeless man’s cup which then changes the man’s life as he also then seen wearing a suit which emphasizes the representation of a middle/higher class. The music video is also not urban and gritty as the music video C.R.E.A.M. is, it is a lot more loud, bold and vibrant which would appeal to a middle/higher class.

Timed Essay Question 5

Timed Essay Question 5

Explain how different newspaper audiences might interpret the same content in different ways. Refer to the front covers below to support your answer.

All newspapers will have a target audience so they all target audiences will have a preferred reading of the text however, some might interpret the same content in different ways for example, the front cover the of The Daily Mail. The Daily Mail is a right wing newspaper so there target audience will also be right wing themselves and will also have a preferred reading of the text of The Daily Mail’s content but, some of The Daily Mail’s audience will also be left wing so they will interpret the same content that the right wing audience interpret but in a different way. The Daily Mail’s front cover shows three links to media theories, these are narrative structure, binary opposition and preferred reading of the text. The narrative structure is Britain against the European Union (Us against Them), binary opposition is also shown as The Daily Mail presents Britain as good and the European Union as bad. The target audience (right wing) will have a preferred reading on this text as they would have voted to leave the EU, meaning that they will agree with this text however, the secondary audience (left wing) will disagree with this text as they would of voted as to stay in the EU and they also won’t see Theresa May as a hero like the right wing audience do. The reason why content in interpreted in different ways is because newspapers present the same content in different ways, so going back to the front cover of The Daily Mail, the right wing audience will see Theresa May in a positive way and the European Union in a negative way but, left wing audience will see it as the European Union in a positive way and Theresa May in a negative way. However, some content will be interpreted the same way for example the front cover of The Mirror. The Mirror is a left wing newspaper so their target audience also being left wing and having a preferred reading of the text and will also still have a secondary audience like other newspapers and the secondary audience for this left wing newspaper will be right wing however the front cover of The Mirror is much more bigger than right and left wing politics as it is a global threat meaning it will be a threat to both right and left wing politics meaning they will all have a preferred reading of this text.        


Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Timed Essay Question 4

Timed Essay Question 4

Multiple narrative strands are the key convention of long form television dramas. Discuss how far you agree with this statement in relation to the set episode of the long form television drama you have studied.

I agree that multiple narrative strands are the key convention of long form television dramas for example, this is shown in episode one of Stranger Things. Three main narrative strands were in episode one such as, the disappearance of Will, Eleven escaping and also the alien itself escaping. The three main narrative strands have also reached the recognition stage as friends and family of Will have recognized that he has disappeared, and the scientists have recognized that Eleven and the alien have both escaped. Narrative strands are classic Hollywood narratives which link to narrative theory and not only is there main narrative strands but also other narrative strands which don’t relate to the main story but stems off of it.

Timed Essay Question 3

Timed Essay Question 3

Explain how magazine front covers represent social, cultural and political events. Refer to Source A to support your points.

Magazine front covers represent social, cultural and political events for example, the front cover of The Big Issue represents these events. The Big Issue is a very left wing magazine meaning their audience are educated, middle class, middle aged and also left wing themselves so they will have a preferred reading of the text. The image on the front cover is of Donald Trump. Donald Trump is an elite person as he was at the time when this magazine was released the President of the United States which is also an elite nation. However, Donald Trump is right wing, so he is being made fun of, this is shown on the front cover by enlarging his head and making it look to big for his body. Also, the word ‘worst’ used in the sentence “What’s the worst that can happen…” implies that they are concerned that Donald Trump has this much power and believe that it is a global issue, this furthermore portrays Donald Trump in a negative way. Also, on the front cover there is a man running from The White House which implies the magazine are telling people to run for their lives as Donald Trump is now their leader. An image of a topless Putin sitting on an eagle is also shown on the front cover of The Big Issue, an eagle is an iconic symbol of America, so this suggests the power Putin has over America. The magazine is also mocking Putin which implies they also believe Putin is just as bad if not worse than Donald Trump.

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Timed Essay Question 2

Timed Essay Question 2

Explain how economic contexts influence film production. Refer to Disney’s The Jungle Book (2016) to support your points.

Economic contexts influence film productions such as, Disney’s The Jungle Book (2016). In 1937 Disney released its first major feature which was Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, in 1955 Disney then started to add diversity to it’s company by opening the first ever Disneyland. Disney today, is now a global company with many films and TV shows, their own TV channels, multiple them parks and themed stores and their own newly released streaming service Disney+. With the success Disney have from making lots of profits, they then re-invest their profits into other productions, for example in 1967 the original The Jungle Book was released and in 2016 the remake version of The Jungle Book was released. The original The Jungle Book was a huge success in 1967 and still a huge success today with the film still being watched and merchandise being brought. Disney saw this and took this opportunity to remake the film and release it back in 2016. The 2016 remake version was also a huge success with fans of the original now watching the remake and new fans who gained interest from seeing promo such as trailers etc., to also watch the 2016 remake version. The remake was so successful, a sequel to the 2016 The Jungle Book is being planned, so Disney will then use their profits from other films, TV shows, theme parks and stores etc., to then re-invest their profits into the sequel and other remakes of successful original films and also new original films and TV shows.     

Timed Essay Question 1

Timed Essay Question 1

Explain how ongoing audience interaction influences the production of video games. Refer to Minecraft to support your answer.

The production of video games such as Minecraft, are influenced by the ongoing audience interaction. The concept of the video game Minecraft was originally non-commercial and aimed for programmers however, the game started to gain attraction from gamers and started to play the game for fun and entertainment which links to the uses and gratifications theory. Gamers were enjoying playing the game that they would then stream the game to a wider audience on platforms such as YouTube, Twitch etc., this would then lead to the audience playing the game themselves if they enjoyed watching the live streams. Gamers then started to socially interact with each other which created a fan base for Minecraft. As Minecraft started to gain more popularity, the producers of the video game started to recognize this and realize that it was no longer non-commercial and not just for programmers, so they then started to make the video game much more accessible on other formats such as the mobile device version Minecraft: Pocket Edition and many other formats to access the video game. Minecraft today, has led to many other things such as merchandise and Minecraft conventions due to the popularity it has gained over the years and creating a community for fans of the video game, Microsoft even saw themselves how popular the video game was and still is becoming, that they then  brought Minecraft for 2.6 billion dollars. Minecraft will always been a popular video game because of the fan base and the community that has been created as it is an entertaining video game and it is a great way for fans of the game to socially interact with one another, even if people loose interest in the video game and are no longer fans, it will always gain new fans who start to become interested.

Friday, May 14, 2021

Supporting Evidence Document


The reason why I have chosen these as my possible colors for my prototype as these three colors best link to the Horror theme as red links to blood and gore, orange relates to pumpkins which then relates to Halloween and black relates to dark and scary. Adding color to the prototypes would make them more appealing but no too much color as the title, fonts and pictures on the prototypes also need to be appealing.

I have tried out many fonts for the title of my prototypes and these are some of the fonts that stood out to me the most as they have a sense of a horror feel to them. The title for my prototypes is 'THE AWAKENING', I want the title to be in all caps and I will narrow it down to two fonts for my four prototypes. The all caps and fonts make them look loud and bold which will appeal to the intended target audience.  

These are some images that I have recently captured to put onto my four prototypes. One of the images is of a caravan and a windmill. The second image is of a church and the final image is a close-up of the caravan. I think that I am going to use the close-up image of the caravan as the image of my four prototypes as it looks abandoned so it creates a sense of eeriness and mystery and if it creates a sense of mystery then the audience will be intrigued and will want to know more.

In conclusion I believe that I have met the brief and that it would appeal to the intended target audience. as mentioned before the close-up image of the caravan creates a sense of eeriness and mystery and also the photo being in black & white emphasizes the eeriness and mystery, it also relates to old horror posters as they were also black & white which then also links to genre theory as audiences enjoy familiarity of repeated conventions, so if old black & white horror posters appeal to them then my four prototypes should also appeal to them as the prototypes have their familiarities but also their differences.    

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Statement Of Intent

Media Institutions 

It is my responsibility to make sure that my adverts don't breach any of the rules set by the advertising standards authority, so I have read the rules and regulations set by the advertising standards authority so I know what is acceptable and unacceptable for my adverts. The adverts will be advertised in magazines that will be read by the intended target audience, this will then generate income for the magazines.

Media Representation

It is my responsibility that the product and intended target audience are represented positively and not negatively, my focus is on horror fans so it needs to be appropriate and intended for them. My target audience is a young audience (16-25), so I will need to present them in certain ways correctly.

Media Audience & Media Language

It is my responsibility to make sure that my adverts appeal to my intended target audience (16-25), to achieve this I need to construct my adverts correctly and carefully consider my layout, images, colour scheme, fonts and taglines.